The links below if activated by you will take you to the Google Video page for these videos of the seminar of Rev. Bruce Revell and "Minister Manship" on Tuesday, 27 November a.d. 2007 at the Dunes Manor Hotel, Ocean City, Maryland at the National Resort Ministers Conference in conjunction with the Georgia based North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.
OOPS! It appears in the journey (with Jesus) from Mount Vernon to Ocean City, the external hard drive did not fare well on the journey and so is not now working, so... that means no hard drive space to edit the video, and possible loss of many other videos and documents stored on that hard drive. Ahh, the joys of technology! and the rigors of travel... (Good News... the drive is working again...).
Weeks later after Christmas, back in Mount Vernon, the hard drive is again working, and so the videos have been edited and posted to the free video streaming service of Google (can't argue with the price!).
Rev. Bruce Revell talks about the Circuit Rider preacher in Deadwood, South Dakota...
"Minister" Manship talks about the Revolutionary Faith of George Washington...
Introduced by the "revolutionary" Rev. Revell...
Revolutionaries Rev. Revell and "GW" chat about telling His-story in Resort settings...

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